Центр сертификации систем качества «Интерэкомс», Россия, Москва, тел: 495-970-7965 e-mail: qs@interecoms.ru, interecoms@yandex.ru

немецкая Система аккредитации DAkkS

Национальная система аккредитации

СДС Интерэкомс
РОСС RU.0001.04ЯЕ00

РОСС RU.М180.04ТВ00

СДС экологического менеджмента Интерэкомс
РОСС RU.И057.04МЭ00

Национальная система сертификации антикоррупционной деятельности
РОСС RU.З1611.04ППН0


Наши клиенты:

Quality Systems certification body INTERECOMS (QS INTERECOMS) [Zentrum für Zertifizierung von Qualitätssystemen "Interecoms" - German]–Quality management systems, Environmental management systems, occupational safety and health management systems, Medical devices — Quality management systems, Social Accountability management systems - Integrated management systems, Anti-bribery management systems Certification body.


Location: Moscow, Russia

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QS INTERECOMS is a Russian and German certification body for management systems. Certificates issued by "Interecoms" in the German accreditation system DAkkS for Quality management systems are recognized by all countries of the world.


QS INTERECOMS has been providing certification services for management systems since 1998.


QS INTERECOMS is accredited:


1. As a certification body for quality management systems for compliance with ISO 9001: 2015 in the German accreditation system DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH, since 2001).

DAkkS is an internationally recognized accreditation system. In accordance with the rules of the German DAkkS System, the certificate issued by the QS INTERECOMS [ZZQS Interecoms] is a member of the IAF Certificate Mutual Recognition Agreement, the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) logo is depicted.

QS INTERECOMS [ZZQS Interecoms] accreditation scope in the DAkkS System includes:

-        Electrical and optical equipment;

-        Transport, storage and communication;

-        Information technology

-        (IAF codes: 19, 31, 33).



2. As a certification body for Integrated management systems in the Russian National Accreditation System (accreditation certificate № РОСС RU.0001.13ФК39 [No. ROSS RU.0001.13FK39], since 2016), including Quality management systems, Environmental management systems, Occupational health and safety management systems, Medical devices — Quality management systems for compliance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 13485:2016

QS INTERECOMS accreditation scope in the Russian National Accreditation System includes:

-        Manufacture of baby food and dietetic foods

-        Manufacture of soft drinks; production of packaged drinking water, including mineral waters

-        Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials, printing inks and mastics

-        Manufacturing of pharmaceutical substances

-        Manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products

-        Manufacture of electrical equipment

-        Production of pipeline fittings (valves)

-        Manufacture of office equipment and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipment)

-        Manufacturing of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment

-        Furniture manufacture

-        Manufacture of other finished goods

-        Development of construction projects

-        Construction of residential and non-residential buildings

-        Site preparation

-        Electrical, plumbing and other construction and installation works

-        Postal and courier activities

-        Activities in the field of television and radio broadcasting

-        Activities in the field of telecommunications

-        Development of computer software, consulting services in this area and other related services

-        Information technology activities

-        Activities in the field of law and accounting

-        Activities in the field of engineering surveys, engineering design, construction project management, construction control and supervision, provision of technical advice in these areas

-        Other technical control, testing and analysis activities

-        Comprehensive room service activities

-        Cleaning and cleaning activities

-        Call center activities

-        Organization of conferences and exhibitions

-        Vocational secondary education

-        Higher education

-        Professional training

-        Additional education for children and adults

-        Activities of public organizations

-        All-Russian classifier codes: 10.86, 11.07, 20.3, 21.1, 26, 27, 28.14, 28.23, 28.25, 31, 32, 41.1, 41.2, 43.12, 43.2, 53, 60, 61, 62, 63, 69, 71.12, 71.20.9, 81.1, 81.2, 82.2, 82.3, 85.21, 85.22, 85.3, 85.41, 94



QS INTERECOMS [ZZQS Interecoms] has all the necessary resources, including qualified personnel, documented procedures, legal and financial capabilities to carry out qualified, objective and impartial certification of management systems


The Quality policy

The Policy on the Impartiality


PQS D-02-21 Complaints-handling process

PQS D-03-21 Appeals-handling process

PQS D-06-21 Carrying out audits of QMS